Practice Your Czech

English  English Transliteration
Please Prosim
Thank you Dekuji
Yes Ano (or "no")
No Neh
Hi, Hello Dobry den
Bye Na shledanou
Do you speak English? Mluvite anglicky?
One Jeden, Jedna Jedno
Excuse Me! Prominte
Where is .....? Kde je...?
Where is the bathroom? Kde jsou toalety?
Please prosim
How much does this cost? Kolik to stoji?
A Dead Rabbit! ( very useful!) mrtvy kralik
A Fish Story ( common!) vylhana historka
A little kousek
A queer fish!! vystredni clovek
A pretty kettle of fish!!
(We have a thing about fish!)
pekny neporadek!



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